When is it safe to share personal information and with whom? How do you spot scams? How should you respond to online harassment? How can you tell the real from the fake?
Interland is an educational game designed for kids aged between 8 and 12 (and their parents). This playful tool has been designed to help develop the critical thinking of young internet users through the use of fun quizzes, puzzles, riddles… and, of course, lots of action.
To become Cyber Heroes, play together and help our little blue friend make the right decisions as he faces situations that children come across daily while on the web.
Online scams, harassment, digital footprint… After playing, you can chat with you children about the challenges they face online. Dialogue is your best ally!
In Interland, learning about cyber security is fun!
Welcome to Interland!

The Tower of Treasure
Your personal information is precious. Together, let’s learn how to protect it online.
The Tower of Treasure is under attack – will you figure out how to protect it with a strong password?

The Kind Kingdom
When facing harassment and malicious behaviour online, solidarity and positivity are your allies.
The Kingdom of Kindness is in danger – will you know how to respond to bad guys online?

The Reality River
From phishing to fake news, telling real from fake isn’t easy on the internet.
In order to cross the river, you’ll have to thwart many traps.

The Mindful Mountain
To share or not to share? When and with whom? To reach the summit of the Mindful Mountain, you’ll need to solve a number of dilemmas.
The challenge: understand how to maintain your safety and reputation – as well those of others – online.